
Customs Clearance

ARBALET-NM LLC offers comprehensive assistance in customs clearance in Novorossiysk. We specialize in clearance of all types of cargo according to all kinds of customs treatment and at all customs posts. Entrust the complex process of customs clearance to the professionals of ARBALET-NM LLC.

We represent the interests of our clients in customs bodies at all stages, help to prepare a package of documents for customs clearance, assist in certification, calculate customs payments, provide cargo storage, further delivery.

We carry out declaring of the goods delivered by road, rail, sea and air according to customs treatment of:

  • Import
  • Export
  • Temporary import / re-export
  • Temporary export / re-import

The full range of customs services includes:

  • Determining the classification code of the goods in accordance with the Customs Code of the EAEU
  • Checking with recommendations of shipping documentation
  • Preliminary calculation and transfer of customs payments / taxes
  • Confirmation of the customs value
  • Inspection support
  • Consultations on clearance issues
  • Expert opinions, expert examinations for the purposes of customs control (determining whether the equipment belongs to products that were in use; determining the average market price; identification examination)
  • Intraport forwarding, further shipment of import and export cargo
  • Checking for compliance with prohibitions and restrictions on declared goods
  • Control of conformity of the product labeling according to TR CU.

ARBALET-NM LLC carries out operations with goods and customs clearance of goods in the ports of Novorossiysk, the Central Excise Customs and in Centres of Electronic Declaration across the Russian Federation.

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